The lock icon is showing and we can't change the thermostat up or down. Can't find the manual. Any ideas?

Asked by M. on 09/06/2010 60  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 3 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
8 Gailjunec, make sure thermostat is set to RUN, then do NEXT NEXT NEXT HOLD
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7 You must hit Next, Next, Next THEN hold. There are three 'Next' to hit, not two.
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4 the lock icon is showing we can't change the thermostat up or down please help?
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4 press next, next, hold to remove lock icon
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4 this is the first spot i came to to find out the exact question i had above…yes! brilliant!! thank you!!!
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3 We have this thermostat for heat the top right hand corner on the screen says change filter...I have never seen this before. does it relate to the heat?
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3 next, next hold did not work.
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2 Thanks myxalplyx. You are a lifesaver!!!!!! God bless!!!
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0 how about overide ? I tried to turn on the heat but the temperature wont change. please help; thanks so much
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0 Compressor cost??
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0 I have lux psp511lca screen says off when I try to change heat...
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0 Remove the thermostat from its base on the wall (be sure to use caution so that you don't break it). There is a white button on the back which is 'hard reset'. It will remove the pad lock on the screen. You will have to reprogram the thermostat, however it will work now. If you feel that you need to replace the AA batteries you may do so (not quite necessary unless the digital screen is off). Hope this helps.
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-2 I can't get the temperature to change. I got it off lock mode, but it is saying off and temp won't move
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