Pilot lights, then gas log lights and shuts down

Asked by Edward on 01/26/2009 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 11 months ago

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0 when you say you light the pilot then turn on the burner and after a few minuets it goes off, do you mean just the burner or the pilot and burner? More then likely you need either a new thermocouple or millivolt power pile or pilot generator. The thermocouple is a thick copper wire that attaches to the gas valve.A pilot generator or power pile is a 3 inch long cylinder that is mounted directly in the pilot flame and has two wires that attach to screws on the gas valve. Thermocouples and pilot generators both are mounted in the pilot flame and produce a millivolt electrical charge that energize two solinoids in the gas valve, one for the pilot and the other for the main burner. Which ever device you have is not making enough millivolts to hold both solinoid valves open
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