If the house is 69 degrees and I set the thermostat for 70 - it will run until it's 72 going on 73 before it shuts off and then won't kick on until it hits 69 again... Same for HEAT and AIR...it's annoying because you're either hot or cold....thoughts???

Asked by Rebecca on 09/16/2010 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 4 months ago

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0 I meant - it will run until 71 or 72 and then shut off...
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0 Mine does the exact same thing and I've often wondered the same thing. I bought the house w/this therm already installed so I've never had a manual. Downloading one today to see if that will give me any insight but would love for an 'official' explanation.
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0 Did you ever resolve this? O have the same problem. Only I have the thermos set to 17 degrees, but it gets up to 25! This is ridiculous. Any idea?
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