I found this laying around, hopefully it will help somebody out.

Asked by Bob on 02/21/2011 17  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years, 10 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 Bob. Thank you for uploading that file in regards to the Genie 450. The company said they no long have that available since they no longer support that model. THANK YOU!!
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0 Thanks Bob
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0 Yogfjhcvidsarasx
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0 would someone happen to know how many volts the motor in the 450 is?
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0 Thanks Bob. Incredible that you found this. Wish it had a parts list because I need the lense cover for it.
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0 Hi. I have a Genie model 450 garage door opener and am trying to find a wiring diagram or schematic for it. It’s currently working, but the limit switches are not connected. I just need to know where to connect the limit switch wires to in the unit. Thank you.
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0 Can you post the manual again
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