How to hook up hose to drain

Asked by Thomas on 06/01/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 7 months ago

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0 Good Morning mjoanandscott, thank you for your question! I understand you are seeking information on how to use the continuous drainage feature on your Frigidaire dehumidifier, FAD504DWD. It is recommended to use a garden hose that is no longer than 4 feet and should have a diameter of approximately ½ inches. It is best to have a drain nearby to discharge the water into as well. Once the female threaded is inserted at the end of the hose through the opening, make sure the hose is secure so there aren’t any leaks. It is very important to direct the hose toward the drain making sure there aren’t any kinks that will stop the water flowing. Hope this proves to be helpful.
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