FDL50S1 dehumidifier is beeping a few times every hour. Can't figure out why.

Asked by wendy on 05/11/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 7 months ago

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1 Good Morning Wendyjpease, I understand that your Frigidaire dehumidifier, model# FDL50S1, is beeping a few times an hour. I suggest unplugging your dehumidifier for 3-5 minutes. If, when you plug it in, you are still noticing it beep a couple times an hour, with no lights lit up or indication as to why it is beeping, I suggest contacting the manufacturer for further assistance. They should be able to answer why it is beeping or at least point you in the right direction to having it repaired. Hope this is helpful. -Best Regards-
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