how to remove front plastic grille to access for cleaning coils. mod # FAM187S2A window ac.

Asked by fred on 06/05/2014 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 6 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Good Morning Fjsterle, I understand you want to know how to remove the front plastic grille to access the coils for cleaning on your Frigidaire air conditioner, model# FAM187S2A. What you will do is, tilt the panel out by grasping it from both sides, just below the controls and the air directional louvers, and gently pull to release. Pivot the panel on its hinges and remove the air filter. This will allow you to get behind the air filter and clean the coils. I have also attached the owner’s manual for illustrated instructions, which can be found on page 10. I ask that you please follow up with a comment on the post, at your convenience, to advise if further troubleshooting is needed or if your freezer status has changed successfully. Hope this is helpful. -Best Regards-
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0 Here is the attached manual as promised. -Best Regards-
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