Replace pull cord

Asked by Vince on 12/31/2008 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 11 months ago

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0 I'm still trying to figure out how to open this canister so I can replace or re-adjust the pull cord. Please help if you have the answer to this ancient mystery. This thing appears to be locked up tighter than the Pyramids of Giza... lol
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0 Pry the butt plate off with 2 medium to large flat bladed screwdrivers being carefull not to break the 4 connecting points. This is a chore but you can do it if you take the time to move slowly in deforming the canister shape to expose the connection points. Once you have the top ones off the butt place lifts out. I then feed the cord back through the winding devise and it released itself. Not sure why this did not work without having to pry the butt plate off. The retratable devise does not appear to be a replaceable item. The construction of the vacuum is a sequential snap together configuration. It does not appear that the vacuum parts are replaceable or supported by the mfg. Good luck with the repair.
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0 Pry the butt plate off with 2 medium to large flat bladed screwdrivers being carefull not to break the 4 connecting points. This is a chore but you can do it if you take the time to move slowly in deforming the canister shape to expose the connection points. Once you have the top ones off the butt place lifts out. I then feed the cord back through the winding devise and it released itself. Not sure why this did not work without having to pry the butt plate off. The retratable devise does not appear to be a replaceable item. The construction of the vacuum is a sequential snap together configuration. It does not appear that the vacuum parts are replaceable or supported by the mfg. Good luck with the repair.
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0 Thankyou for taking the time to answer this post.
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