I inherited my mom's electrolux vacuum and I was unable to find the associated service manual. How can I order a manual or access one online? Thanks! Email: jorbenn1@yahoo.com

Asked by J on 02/17/2009 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Hello,

Electrolux products in the USA have been sold by two different divisions of the Electrolux Company--the Swedish parent company and the USA subsidiary, now called Aerus LLC.  Those products mainly sold door-to-door were manufactured by the subsidiary, while those sold in department stores since 2004 with the Electrolux label are from the North American division of the Swedish company.  A quick way to determine whether your mom's Electrolux is from the subsidiary is to locate the serial;  if it has 2 letters with 5 digits in between then you may find your cleaner's information by contacting Aerus at aerusvacuums.com.  If not, you may find your cleaner's information by contacting Electrolux at electroluxusa.com.  If the cleaner has a name decal on the cleaner such as Ambassador, Epic 6500SR or Ultralux that would also be helpful to a company associate.  Regards.
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