The solid extension wand on my DC 25 has gone down inside the flexible hose and through a little hinged door at the bottom. It's as if the solid extension is too long. How can that happen? What can I do about it?

Asked by Sandra West on 02/05/2013 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years, 10 months ago

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0 I'd hate for someone to have this same problem and not be able to find an answer like I did... It's actually a very simple solution. It might look like the wand is too long, causing the hinge below the hose to open and therefore preventing suction through either the hose or floor piece. But it's actually just how the Dyson works. Simply place the wand back in like you normally would, close the hatch and recline the vacuum like you would to vacuum the floor. As if nothing is wrong. And it will. Work. There's nothing wrong with it. It just looks like there is (phew).
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