How do I change the HEPA filter. It looks like the top cover should turn clockwise, but it won't turn and I don't want to force it and break something. Thanks for your help.

Asked by Paul on 08/07/2010 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 4 months ago

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0 No need to turn clockwise.. just pull the cover from the filter.. the cover just protect the rubber filter.. easy to put in and out..
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0 The Hepa filter is locked in place by the bracket on the back that holds the hose in place. You must remove two screws and take that brace off to be able to turn the clear cover on the hepa filter. I cannot find anything in the manual that recommends replacing the heap filter tho we are going to a sweeper shop to buy one regardless. The other filters to be washed are on the top of the dirt canister and are easy to remove to wash.
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