I purchased my pellet stove and it worked great for the first 3 days, after emtying the ashes for the first time my stove ran for about 2 hours and shut down with the "H" error showing. I followed the manual, cleaned the exhaust vent and the heat exchangers as per the manuals instructions only to have it shut down 2 more times within a 10 hour period. Now, needless to say after the third reset the unit has locked down and won't let me reset again. Everything has been installed to specs and I have run out of ideas as to what to do. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Asked by Jim on 01/07/2009 6  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 I have an Osburn 45mf and it seemd when I use end of the season lower quality pellets, it overheats and I get the H1 error. When the screen freezes after the third reset, I hold the mode and + buttons down together for 3 seconds. The screen shows 045f continually. I then unplug the unit for 10 seconds, replug it and it works again.I don't know of any internal reset button! Hope this helps.
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0 The Drolet 45 has an internal reset botton that acuates the external reset. I didn't know about that until our unit shut down and after cleaning everything extensively, and reading the manual from cover to cover several times, came across the internal reset button. After pressing that, the external buttons became active. Could this be simply an instance of Canadian humor?
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0 can anyone please tell me where the internal reset button is located i can't seem to find the little bugger
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0 I hold down the auger feed and + buttons together for 3 seconds. The rest is correct. Sorry about that!
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0 I hold down - and+ together then unplug
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