I have an opener that now only works if I hold the wall button in. If I let go of the button the door stops and goes back up. The remote only moves the door less than an inch and the lights flash on and off for a couple of seconds. Any ideas?

Asked by mike on 09/22/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 3 months ago

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0 1st check of both sensor's eyes are lit green. If so then it may be a loose connection on the sensors that lose conductivity whent he door rails vibrate.
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0 I have the same problem. I got new sensors and everything worked fine. Now, a year later, the problem reoccurred. I noticed the receiving sensor was not lit so messed with it and it worked for a couple of days. Now neither sensor light is lit and the door only works if I hold the button down on the wall unit. No matter how much I play with the sensors, the green lights won't come on.
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