keypad not working, battery works. Door opens using remote and inside panel.

Asked by blair on 04/08/2014 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 8 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 Hi, You may need to reset your keypad. I've attached the manual. cessories on page 38. To Add A Remote Control If you have a Premium Control Console: 1. With the doorc/osed, press and hold a remote control push button. See Figure 1. 2. Press and hold the Light button on the door control. 3. Press and hold the door control push button. 4. After the opener light flashes, release all buttons. Test by pressing the remote push button. If you do not have a Premium Control Console: 1. Press and holdthe selected remote control push button. See Figure 1. 2. Then press and release the SRT (learn) button on the back panel of the opener, Figure 2. The indicator light on the panel will begin to blink and the opener light will flash once. 3. Release the remote push button. Test by pressing the remote push button. To Erase All Remote Control Codes Press and hold the SRT button on the opener panel until the indicator light turns off (about 6 seconds). All remote control codes are now erased. Then follow the steps above to re-program each remote control.
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