We love our little aspen woodstove, except quite often upon starting a fire smoke billows out of the door and surrounding seam. This is with the draft all the way open, and we try to start a fire in the back of the stove under the stovepipe area. This hasn't helped. It doesn't happen all the time. The stovepipe is new and was professionally installed. We clean the ashpan out almost daily. I have used woodstoves most of my life and haven't had this problem, unless it was extremely windy. Any suggestions?

Asked by Andrea on 12/26/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years ago

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0 check your chimney to make sure its high enough, preferably the same hight as the highest point of structure. If chimney is high enough I would consider a cap of some type to reduce downdraft.
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