My furnace did not come on the first firing of the season. After investigation found a reset button on a limit switch located near the pressure switch tripped. Reset the limit and everying ran fine, the burners kicked in, the blower turned on,etc. until the reset button popped out again. If I unplug the wires to the plentum switch, the flame goes off, but the fan continues until it is cool enough to turn off. If i reinstall the wires on the limit, the burner will re-ignite, the fan will come on after the furnace warms. I did notice that if I tap on the pressure switch sometime after the burners come on they will turn off, then after the fan cools the system down, the burners will re-ignite. Is either the plentum limit or the pressure switch suspect or am I missing something here? - This stuff is not rocket science but I don't work on many to have the experience to figure it out Thanks

Asked by Mark on 10/28/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 2 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 Just thought I would update this post in case anyone reads it. I finally gave up on trying to troubleshoot and fix this problem myself. I had a repair technician come out and after a complete physical of the furnace, gave it a clean bill of health, HOWEVER, He found a rather large dead bird in the flue. He also pointed out that the chimney cover was missing (probably due to one of the rather large storms that came through our area this year. Lesson learned: make sure that you pay attention to the chimney as well as the roof and siding after a large storm passes through and make sure that the chimney has the proper shroud. Also NEVER assume that the furnace has a problem until the whole system is checked out!! Hope this helps someone else in the future.
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