Asked by DON on 08/10/2008 49  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 5 months ago

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4 The 86RAC is an older model detector. The reason why it is chirping is because it needs to be replaced. Smoke Alarms only last 8-10 years and once the Americium located inside a detector is depleted, it will make that sound. The Replacement model is a BRK 9120B.
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3 so we must listen to that chirping (all night) until we buy all new ones and have them installed????
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3 we are having the exact same problem! We took the batteries out- and disconnected the units- and we still have chirping. Of course, it is 12:30 am!
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3 having same problem...devices are all chirping, tried changing batteries and still chirping! Can anybody HELP??
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2 Is the 9120B the same wiring harness as the old ones? Ours have been all disconnected after we checked them, changed batteries, etc. We pulled them all out of ceiling and three zones continued to chirp from midnight to 9 am, without the units there and with the noise seeming to come out of the ceiling!! :0 :( 2 nights in a row! Hating them....
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1 I have the same problem. I have 5 of these detectors that are interconnected through AC. They are almost 13 years old. Replacing the batteries on all 5 did no good. Removing the batteries altogether and turning off the circuit breaker also did not stop the chirping. I finally removed the three detectors from the upstairs, and to my surprise the chirping continued from the ceiling, not the units themselves. I removed the mounting base and all I see are the wires and the connector - I'm not even sure what the heck is chirping!
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1 We had the same problem. The units went bad after 14 years. The one closest to the kitchen went bad first. We disconnected it and the replaced all of the units with the replacement model BRK 9120B
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0 Is the 9120 B have the same plug input as the 86 rac?
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0 how do I just turn them off? I'll replace them with battery powered types. Can't stand the chirping anymore.
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0 I HAD A SIMILAR PROBLEM. WHEN i called support he said that there must be a co2 or other moniter chirping. he was right
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