Auto shut off of heater with error code 14

Asked by Samantha Burgess on 04/08/2009 13  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 8 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 We are experiencing this error code number 14. It suddenly displays the error code at random times and is becoming more difficult to bring back the temperature on screen. We have already had the plumber come out to try to fix it but with no success. Any suggestions as to what we should do? Thanks Robbie
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0 We are experiencing this error code number 14. It suddenly displays the error code at random times and is becoming more difficult to bring back the temperature on screen. We have already had the plumber come out to try to fix it but with no success. Any suggestions as to what we should do? Thanks Robbie
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0 We are experiencing this error code number 14. It suddenly displays the error code at random times and is becoming more difficult to bring back the temperature on screen. We have already had the plumber come out to try to fix it but with no success. Any suggestions as to what we should do? Thanks Robbie
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0 We are experiencing this error code number 14. It suddenly displays the error code at random times and is becoming more difficult to bring back the temperature on screen. We have already had the plumber come out to try to fix it but with no success. Any suggestions as to what we should do? Thanks Robbie
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0 We are experiencing this error code number 14. It suddenly displays the error code at random times and is becoming more difficult to bring back the temperature on screen. We have already had the plumber come out to try to fix it but with no success. Any suggestions as to what we should do? Thanks Robbie
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0 We are experiencing this error code number 14. It suddenly displays the error code at random times and is becoming more difficult to bring back the temperature on screen. We have already had the plumber come out to try to fix it but with no success. Any suggestions as to what we should do? Thanks Robbie
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0 We are experiencing this error code number 14. It suddenly displays the error code at random times and is becoming more difficult to bring back the temperature on screen. We have already had the plumber come out to try to fix it but with no success. Any suggestions as to what we should do? Thanks Robbie
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0 We are experiencing this error code number 14. It suddenly displays the error code at random times and is becoming more difficult to bring back the temperature on screen. We have already had the plumber come out to try to fix it but with no success. Any suggestions as to what we should do? Thanks Robbie
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