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© 2008 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, the sphere of connectivity design, FreeFlow®, FreeFlow Makeready®, FreeFlow Output
Manager™, FreeFlow Process Manager™, and VIPP® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Adobe®, Photoshop®, and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. Press-sense™ is a trademark of Press-sense Ltd. UNIX® is a
trademark of The Open Group. Product appearance, build status, and/or specifi cations are subject to change without notice. 09/08
Xerox FreeFlow Print Server
Supercharged to meet your
dynamic workfl ow needs.
The power of Xerox FreeFlow:
Helping you build your business.
FreeFlow Web Services, powered by
Press-sense™, provides a Web portal that is
available 24/7, enabling your customers to
securely submit new jobs and reorder existing
ones over the Internet (or an intranet) from
virtually anywhere.
FreeFlow Express to Print is the easy solution
for reducing the time required to set up even the
most cumbersome jobs. With its intuitive visual
interface and template-based automation, even
novices can perform job ticketing and prepress
functions with a click of the mouse.
FreeFlow Makeready
and FreeFlow
Scanner 665 serve as an advanced document
composition solution providing prepress tools
such as scanning, imposition, tab programming,
late-stage editing, color management, and
integration with Adobe
allowing you to maximize overall print quality
and effi ciencies in prepress.
FreeFlow Process Manager™ automates typical
prepress steps so you can prepare, proof, and
print jobs with less operator intervention. The
result is a touchless workfl ow, processing more
jobs with less time and money—and keeping
your printers printing.
FreeFlow Output Manager™ enables
automated management of your valuable
printer resources by acting as a centralized
collection point for print jobs that will be
distributed across the enterprise. Multiple
printers can work as effi ciently as one,
with sophisticated load balancing and
job scheduling.
FreeFlow Print Manager allows for easy job
submission to all of your output devices and
provides full Xerox job ticketing as well as JDF
job ticket support. Printer activity is continually
monitored, simplifying job tracking and shop
status. Print Manager also supports job fl ow
from popular offset shop-management systems,
allowing you to maintain a single workfl ow that
can drive both digital and offset print systems.
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite is a
collection of tools that produces optimal
variable print jobs. The VI Suite contains all
of the software components you need to
create high-value, personalized documents,
including the print-optimizing VI Interpreter,
which delivers unmatched throughput and
print effi ciency.
Connect with your customers, reduce costs, and enable new applications never
before possible with Xerox FreeFlow solutions. Thousands of companies worldwide
depend on FreeFlow to streamline and automate workfl ow processes—saving time,
labor, and waste while shifting quality, productivity, and effi ciency into overdrive.
Built on open industry standards—including JDF, PPML, ICC, PDF, and many others—
Xerox FreeFlow products and Xerox print engines integrate and extend your workfl ow
to deliver measurable business benefi ts. Plus, they work with print and document
management products from more than 100 business partners to give you big-picture
solutions to your business needs.
Find out more.
Call 1-800-ASK-XEROX or visit us online at www.xerox.com/FreeFlow.