
One 2 One
FM Tour Guide System
Model TGS 100
One 2 One
FM Tour Guide System
Model TGS 100
©2007, Williams Sound Corp. CAT
077F 1
The TGS 100 FM Tour Guide System helps tour group members with hearing difficulties overcome back-
ground noise and distance from the guide. Use it in factories, museums, power plants—anywhere hear-
ing assistance is needed. System includes one T1-216 transmitter with MIC 086 microphone, six R1-216
receivers with HED 021 headphones, belt clip cases, batteries and system carry case. System operates on
216 MHz bandwidth.
• Group Tours • Destination Marketing Organizations • Cruise Ships • Tourism Offices
University Tours • Large-Scale Guide
Dimensions: 3-5/8" L x 2-3/8" W x 7/8" H (92.1 mm x 60.3 mm x 22.2 mm)
Weight: 4.4 oz (125 g) with batteries
Color: Neptune blue, shatter-resistant polypropylene
Battery Type: Two (2) AA 1.5 V non-rechargeable Alkaline batteries
(BAT 001), 120 mA nominal current drain, 8 hours approx.
life (OR) Two (2) AA 1.5 V NiMH rechargeable batteries
(BAT 026), 120 mA nominal current drain, 6 hours per
charge approx., recharges in 14–16 hours, uses CHG 1600
Multiple Battery Charger
Operating Frequencies: 216.325 MHz, standard (216.425, 216.625, 216.725 MHz
Stability: ± .005%, crystal reference, PLL
Modulation: Narrow-band FM, 10 kHz P-P, 100 µS pre-emphasis
RF Output: 1.5 mW typical
Freq Response: 100 Hz to 10 kHz P-P, ± 3 dB at 1% max. THD
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 55 - 60 dB, with R1-216 Receiver
Compressor: Compressor uses adjustable slope and noise gate
Transmit Antenna: Integral with 39" microphone cord
Microphone: Noise-cancelling, Headset type, 39 in cord, 3.5 mm mono
phone plug (MIC 086)
Controls & Indicators: On/Off switch, slide-type; “On” Indicator LED
Mic Connector: 3.5 mm mono phone jack
Charging Contacts: Designed for use with CHG 1600 & CHG 200 Multiple
Battery Chargers
Approvals: WEEE
Warranty: 5 years*
PPA T1-216 Transmitter:
*90 days on accessories.