Check and prepare
La puerta.
Revise y prepare el espacio
Attach string diagonally across the
opening from the outside. The string should gently touch, if not
the opening is out of plumb by twice that distance and needs to
be corrected. . Flip string over itself
to check both sides.
String test for plumb:
* An “out of plumb” condition is one of the most
common reasons doors leak.
* Esta es ina de las razones mas comunes por las cuales
una puerta gotea.
Fije la cuerda diaonlmente a traves
de la abertura desde el exterior. La cuerda debra cruzarse
en el centro despues que se haya fijado en los cuato lados
del marco. La cuerda debera cruzarse suavenente en el centro.
Una separacion en el centro indica que esta “pellizcada” o
que no estan adecuadamente entrecruzadas. La cuerda debera
tocarse en el centro. Dele vuelta a la cuerda sobre si misma
para verificar ambos lados.
Prueba de la cuerda:
2 cont.
Recommended: Weather Resistant
Barrier & Flashing Detail.
We recommend the use of Weather Resistant
Barrier applied to the exterior sheathing
(OSB or other) and the use of an
adhesive or flexible flashing to seal
it. The WRB should be cut in
the opening (follow
manufacturer’s instructions)
with the head of the flap taped
up to be sealed later in .
The flashing should be applied in
an overlapping manner as
shown always working from
the bottom up (follow
manufacturer’s instructions).
Step 11