002-01 / 20071116 / e16_1.fm
• All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Large Size Ferrite Cores for High Power
Nowadays, more and more high-frequency circuits are being used in industrial equipment as well as consumer equipment. With the use of
higher frequencies, silicon steel sheets have become unsuitable for magnetic material used in transformers. Ferrite, its substitute, delivers
reduced core loss at high frequencies and is the optimum material for high-power requirements.
To meet these various demands, we at TDK have employed our ferrite development technologies accumulated over the years and
advanced production technologies to offer large, high-quality cores for high-frequency, high-power power supplies.
In the following information, introduce ferrite cores that used PE22 and PC40 materials having superior magnetic characteristics.
High frequency inductive heater EE320x250x20
Uninterruptible Power Supply System(UPS)
CATV’s power supply
Photovoltaic power generation
Power supply of communications station
Electrical vehicle
Automated warehouse, conveyor machine
Current sensor
Reactor choke
General purpose inverter • Air conditioner
• Fun
• Pump
• Printing press
• Packing machine
• Machines for food industry
• Drier
• Compressor of freezer
• Textile machine
• Woodworking machine
• Medical machine