SPX Cooling Technologies 16350 Indoor Furnishings User Manual

The complete UV detection kit to find auto leaks
quickly without mess, measuring, or calculations.
Ultraviolet dye is injected and circulated throughout
the A/C system refrigerant, then seeps out at the
point of a leak. With the high-power UV lamp, the
leak will glow brightly and be spotted easily.
No. 16350 – UV Leak Detection Kit.
Complete kit includes:
Powerful 50-watt/12-volt UV lamp with cord and
battery clips.
Injection gun with R-134a hose & R-12 adapter.
Four universal A/C dye twist-on cartridges (No. 16356,
1 oz./30 ml each). Enough dye for 20 applications.
(OEM-approved and SAE-certified dye.)
UV enhancing glasses with dye cleaner.
Service stickers.
UU VV LLeeaakk DDeetteeccttiioonn
KKiittss wwiitthh aa TTwwiisstt......
You already have a UV lamp...and you want to
have the best kit in UV leak detection...this dye injection
kit is exactly what you’ll need to find auto leaks quickly.
Simple to use: Twist a cartridge onto the injector gun,
hook up to the service port, and pull the trigger to inject
the dye into the A/C system. Put your old lamp to use
to spot the leak and you’re done.
No. 16355 – Injection Kit.
The Injection Kit includes:
Injection gun with R-134a hose & R-12 adapter.
Four universal A/C dye twist-on cartridges (No. 16356,
1 oz./30 ml each). Enough dye for 20 applications.
(OEM-approved and SAE-certified dye.)
Service stickers.
Quick loading, twist on/off cartridges
to cut down your set-up time!
No. 16355
No. 16350