Cat. No. 002857
MKH 20 P 48
Microphones | RF Symmetrical Capsule
Condenser Microphone
General Description
The omni-directional MKH 20 is usually used as a main microphone for
orchestras and solo instruments, and picks up the natural acoustics of
the room, though it does have a much wider range of applications as
omni-directional microphones do not suffer from ‘proximity effect’.
Exceptionally flat frequency response, switchable for near and diffuse
field applications
High-frequency response can be accentuated by means of a pressure
build-up ring
Slightly increasing directivity at high frequencies to adjust tonal balance
Exceptionally low inherent self-noise
Transformerless and fully floating balanced output
Switchable pre-attenuation
Black, anodised light metal body
Delivery includes: 1 MKH 20, 1 MZS 40 shock mount,
1 MZW 41 windshield, 1 pressure build-up ring
Recommended Accessories
MZA 14 P 48 U battery power supply unit Cat. No. 002960
MZT 441 table stand Cat. No. 000799
MZT 100 table stand Cat. No. 001883
MZD 30 dual clip, for MS stereo Cat. No. 002990
MZB 415 fish pole Cat. No. 000972
MZS 40 shock mount Cat. No. 003017
MZW 41 foam windshield Cat. No. 029681
MZP 40 popshield Cat. No. 003132
MZS 20-1 shock mount Cat. No. 003609
MZW 20-1 basket windshield Cat. No. 003606
MZH 20-1 hairy cover Cat. No. 003610
Technical Data
Pick-up pattern.......................................................omni-directional
Frequency response.................................................12 – 20,000 Hz
Sensitivity (free field, no load, 1 kHz)........25 (8) mV/Pa ± 1 dB
Nominal impedance ................................................................. 150 Ω
Min. terminating impedance.....................................................1 kΩ
Equivalent noise level
A-weighted (DIN IEC 651)...............................................10 (18) dB
CCIR-weighted (CCIR 468-3)...........................................20 (28) dB
Max. sound pressure level .........................134 (142) dB at 1 kHz
Power supply........................................................phantom 48 ± 4 V
Supply current............................................................................. 2 mA
Dimensions ................................................................Ø 25 x 153 mm
Weight...........................................................................approx. 100 g
Values in parentheses with attenuator switched on (–10 dB)
Cable pictured is an accessory not supplied with the microphone
Omni-directional studio microphone with switchable diffuse-
field correction, switchable pre-attenuation and pressure
build-up ring, frequency response 12 Hz – 20,000 Hz, sensiti-
vity (free field, no load) 25 (8) mV/Pa ± 1 dB at 1 kHz, nomi-
nal impedance 150 Ω, min. terminating impedance 1 kΩ,
equivalent noise level A-weighted 10 (18) dB, CCIR-weighted
20 (28) dB, max. SPL 134 (142) dB at 1 kHz, phantom power-
ing 48 ± 4 V, supply current 2 mA, dimensions in mm Ø 25 x
153, weight approx. 100 g. Values in parentheses with atte-
nuator switched on (–10 dB).
Effect of diffuse-field correction