Selecting Needle and Thread
For general sewing use needle size 11 or 14 A fine thread and needle should be used for sewing lightweight
fabrics so the fabric wil! not be marred Heavy fabrics require a needle large enough to pierce the fabric
without fraying the needle thread
In the needle set there is one each of size 1t, 14, 16, 18 and a bkJe needle Use the blue needle to eliminate
skipped stitches when sewing knits and synthetic fabrics
Special needles should be used on certain fabrics A denim needle with a sharp tip effectively pierces dense
fabrics such as denim and canvas For topstitching, a special topstitching needle with a larger eye accommodates
heavier weight thread Leather needles punch small holes in leather and suede allowing the thread to follow through
the hole,
Check your needles frequently for rough or blunt tips, Snags and runs in knits, fine silks and silk-like fabrics are
permanent and are often caused by damaged needles
Always purchase a good quality thread It should be strong, smooth and consistent in thickness,,
Very Light
Chiffon, Georgette, Fine Lace, Organdy, Organdy Universal 9 (65)
Net, Tulle Ball Point g (65)
Batiste, Voile, Lawn, Pure Silk, Crepe de Chine,
Sheer Crepe, Chambray, Handkerchief Linen,
Gingham, Challis, Percale, Wool Crepe, Peau de
Sole, Taffeta, Satin, Silk Surah, Satin-backed
Crepe, Qiana
Single Knits, Jersey, Swimwear, Tricot
Leather, Suede
Flannel, Velour, 'velvet, Muslin, Velveteen, Poplin,
Corduroy, Broadcloth, Linen, Chintz, Gabardine,
Felt, Terry, Burlap, Quilted Fabrics
Ball Point
Wedge Point Leather
11 (75)
11 (75)
12 (85)
1I (75)
11 (75)
14 (90)
Double Knits, (synthetic and natural) Stretch
Velour, Ball Point 14 (90)
Stretch Terry,
Sweater Knits
Leather, Vinyl, Suede Wedge Point Leather 14 (90)
Denim, Sailcloth, Ticking Denim !6 (100)
Double Faced Wool, Heavy Coating, Fake Fur, Purple 16 (100)
Heavy Drapery Fabrics
Leather, Suede Wedge Point Leather 16 (100)
Canvas, Duck, Upholstery Fabrics Green 18 (110)
Topstitching for Special Finish Topstitching 11 (75)
14 (90)