Motion Marketing,
Kansas City
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P S200
ElectronicDigitalP ostal Scale
M ax. 22lb d=0.1oz
The PS200 is a quality electronic digital scale with m any features and
functions. Please read this m anual carefully to enjoy this product. If you
are unsure abouthow to unpack, how to start using and how to care for a
digital scale please consult our web pages for more information and
solutions in case you encounter any problem .
O perating Instru c tions
Range : 0 ~ 22lbs
M echanical overload protection
Tare : Unlimited up to the total capacity of the scale
Accuracy : ± 0.1 % of reading ± 1 digit
Calibration : Four points of Autom atic Calibration for greater accuracy
Resolution : 0.1 oz
Minimum Weight : 0.1 oz
Min. Add-on Wt.:0.
1 oz
Power : AC Adaptor UL listed:9 V, 100m A (Supplied)
Battery:6 x 1.5V AA Alkaline batteries (Not supplied)
W arm -up time : 1 minute or less
Display : 7 segm entLCD with 5 digits
Auto Off: Auto off after 5 minutes of non-use (onlyin battery operation)
Tem perature : G ood perfor
m ance within 20 degrees to 110 degrees F
Case & Platform : Fine textured ABS plastic
Load Cell Technology : Optimalplaced strain gages with tem perature com pensation
elem ents
Load Cell Body : High Tensile Strength Alum inum Alloy