Flanders Filters~ Foremost in Air Filtration
Toll Free: 1-800-637-2803
Flanders Super-Flow
24 is a V-bed HEPA filter
(99.99% at 0.30 micrometer) specifically designed
for high airflow applications requiring HEPA efficiency
at an ultra low-pressure drop. The Super-Flow
can be incorporated into systems with air velocities
of 600 fpm and a pressure drop of 1.0-inch w.g.
Product Design
The Super-Flow
24 filters are manufactured with wet
laid microfine fiberglass media. The media is formed
into a minipleat utilizing a hot melt separator and
arranged in a V-bed configuration. There are twelve
individual minipleat packs sealed on all four sides
to the frame with two-component polyurethane.
The frame is constructed of 20 ga. galvaneal, alu-
minum or stainless steel and consists of vertical
support struts of the same material. Vertical sup-
ports are attached to the frame body without the
use of mechanical fasteners. The vertical supports
act as the sealing surface of the mini pleat packs.
High Velocity
Low Airflow Resistance HEPA Filter
Bulletin PB1410-1106
Product Options
The Super-Flow
24 are available in aluminum,
galvaneal or stainless steel frames and with gasket
seal or gel seal design. The Super-Flow
24 filters
are UL 900 Class 2 listed.
• Gasket Seal
The filter gasket is 1/4" x 3/4" black neoprene
attached to the frame with an adhesive and the
gasket joints are dovetailed to ensure no
penetration of particulate due to the gasket. The
filter is designed for installation into Flanders front
load B-1 holding frame, C-3 Gasket Seal Housing
and Surelock-B Side Access Housing.
• Gel Seal
The filter gasket is Flanders Blu Jel
filled into a
channel around the perimeter of the frame. The
gel seal design provides the highest degree of
sealing integrity between the filter and holding
device. The filter is designed for installation into
Flanders front load A-4 holding frame or C-4 Gel
Seal Housings.
Important Features
The product offers the following advantages over conventional HEPA filters.
• Longer Life
Gasket seal
24 filters have 400 sq. ft.
of media compared to 240 sq. ft. for traditional
HEPA filters. The greater media area provides a
longer time period between filter replacements.
• Improved Efficiency
The significant quantity of media translates into
an extremely low media velocity. Therefore a
minimum overall efficiency of 99.99% at 0.30 μm
is easily assured. Traditional HEPA filters have an
overall efficiency of 99.97% at 0.30 μm.
• Lower Operating Cost
The typical HEPA filter pressure drop can range
from 1.4-inch w.g. to 1.8-inch w.g. at the rated
flow. The pressure drop of the
24 is
1.0-inch w.g. at the rated flow.