VOL. 41 NO. 1
A Publication of Buyers Laboratory IncorporatedDECEMBER 2005
VOL. 27 NO. 12
A Publication of Buyers Laboratory Inc.
Panasonic Panafax UF-8000
Outstanding High-Volume Fax-Centric
Multifunctional Imaging System, Fall 2005
Panasonic Digital Document Company
Two Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
BLI has given a Fall 2005 “Pick of the Year” award for
“Outstanding High-Volume Fax-Centric Multifunctional
Imaging System” to the Panasonic Panafax UF-
8000 because of its superior output quality and good
productivity and ease of use. An outstanding overall
performer, this 19-ppm, laser-based device, which
received BLI’s “Highly Recommended” rating, offers
standard walk-up faxing, convenience copying and
PC and network print capabilities, as well as optional
Internet faxing and network faxing and scanning.
“Priced below the average for competitive products,
the Panasonic Panafax UF-8000 is a reliable, feature-
rich multifunctional device that is easy to use and can
help users to be more productive,” said Pete Emory,
BLI’s manager of laboratory testing.
“The Panafax UF-8000’s print and copy output are
a cut above that of the majority of units tested,” said
Emory. Output quality in both modes received either
an “Excellent” or “Very Good” rating in all categories
evaluated. In addition, in the fax scan-to-memory speed
test, the device surpassed all but a few other high-
volume models. The Panafax UF-8000 also proved to
be a productive unit. “Only a handful of other models
tested can claim a faster fi rst-page print time,” said
Emory, who noted that the Panafax UF-8000’s is twice
as fast as the average. Moreover, the device’s fi rst-
copy time is faster than the majority of units tested.
The Panafax UF-8000, which has a suggested retail
price of $2,245, performed well as a printer and scanner.
Tested with the optional PCL driver, the device comes
with a GDI driver and 32 MB of dedicated print memory.
Secure mailbox printing is available when the optional