WWiirreelleessss UUSSBB
NNeettwwoorrkk AAddaapptteerr
Instant Broadband™
WUSB11 ver. 2.5
System Requirements
• USB-Ready PC
• One Free USB Port
• Desktop or Notebook PC with CD-ROM
• Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, Millennium, or
• Pentium-Class 90MHz or higher
• Minimum 32MB RAM
Package Contents
• One Instant Wireless
USB Network Adapter
• One USB Cable (2)
• One Setup Utility CD (3)
• One Module Mount (4)
• Quick Installation and Registration Card (not
A. Insert the Setup Utility
CD into your CD-ROM
Drive. The Setup Utility
should run automatically,
and the following screen
should appear. If it does
not, click Start and
choose Run. In the box
that appears, enter
D:\setup.exe (where “D”
is the letter of your CD-
ROM drive).
B. Click on the Install tab.
C. When the screen at right
appears, click Next to con-
Installing the Wireless USB
Network Adapter Software
D. The Warranty Policy will appear. Click Yes if you agree, or No to end the
E. The InstallShield Wizard will automatically choose a folder where Setup
will install files. Click Next.
F. The InstallShield Wizard will ask you to choose a wireless mode. Choose
the mode that applies to your network. Ad-Hoc Mode is used for simple
peer-to-peer networking or sharing of local resources between wireless
networked PCs. Infrastructure Mode allows a wireless network to be
integrated into an existing, wired network through an access point, per-
mitting roaming between access points while maintaining a connection to
all network resources. Select the radio button next to your choice, and
then click Next.
G.1. If you choose Ad-Hoc Mode, choose the correct operating channel that
applies to your network. The channel you choose should be set the same
as the other points in your wireless network. Then, click Next.
Continued on back
This Quick Installation is meant to help you install the product quickly and easily. For detailed instructions on installation
and configuration and further setup options, please consult the User Guide.
You must install the software before you can install the Wireless USB Network Adapter.