Recovery Ratings And Amperage At Selected KW
Gallons Per Hour (GPH) Heated At
Various Temperature Rises
Amperage Rating At Various Voltages
60 °F
Δ 80 °F Δ 100 °F Δ 120 °F Δ 140 °F Δ
208V 3F 240V 3F 380V 3F 440V 3F 480V 3F
15 51,195 103 77 62 51 44 42 36 23 21 18
20 68,260 137 103 82 68 59 56 48 30 28 24
25 85,325 171 128 103 85 73 69 60 38 35 30
30 102,390 205 154 123 103 88 83 72 46 42 36
35 119,455 239 179 144 120 103 97 84 53 49 42
40 136,520 273 205 164 137 117 111 96 61 56 48
45 153,585 308 231 185 154 132 125 108 68 63 54
50 170,650 342 256 205 171 146 139 120 76 70 60
55 187,715 376 282 226 188 161 153 132 84 77 66
60 204,780 410 308 246 205 176 167 145 91 84 72
65 221,845 444 333 267 222 190 181 157 99 91 78
70 238,910 478 359 287 239 205 195 169 106 97 84
75 255,975 513 384 308 256 220 208 181 114 104 90
80 273,040 547 410 328 273 234 222 193 122 111 96
85 290,105 581 436 349 290 249 236 205 129 118 102
90 307,170 615 461 369 308 264 250 217 137 125 108
95 324,235 649 487 390 325 278 264 229 145 132 114
100 341,300 683 513 410 342 293 278 241 152 139 120
110 375,430 752 564 451 376 322 306 265 167 153 132
120 409,560 820 615 492 410 351 333 289 183 167 145
125 426,625 854 641 513 427 366 347 301 190 174 151
150 511,950 1025 769 615 513 439 417 361 228 209 181
175 597,275 1196 897 718 598 513 486 421 266 244 211
200 682,600 1367 1025 820 683 586 556 482 304 279 241
225 767,925 1538 1153 923 769 659 625 542 342 313 271
250 853,250 1708 1281 1025 854 732 695 602 380 348 301
275 938,575 1879 1409 1128 940 805 764 662 418 383 331
300 1,023,900 2050 1538 1230 1025 879 834 723 456 418 361
325 1,109,225 2221 1666 1333 1110 952 903 783 494 453 391
350 1,194,550 2392 1794 1435 1196 1025 973 843 532 487 421
375 1,279,875 2563 1922 1538 1281 1098 1042 903 570 522 452
400 1,365,200 2733 2050 1640 1367
1171 1112 963 608 557 482
450 1,535,850 3075 2306 1845 1538 1318 1251 1084 685 627 542
500 1,706,500 3417 2563 2050 1708 1464 1390 1204 761 696 602
1000 3,412,000 6833 5125 4100 3417 2929 2779 2408 1521 1393 1204
1200 4,094,400 8200 6150 4920 4100 3514 3335 2890 1825 1671 1445
1400 4,776,800 9567 7175 5740 4783 4100 3891 3372 2130 1950 1686
1600 5,459,200 10933 8200 6560 5467 4686 4446 3854 2434 2229 1927
KW x 1000
÷ 1.73 = Amps 3 Φ
KW x 1000
= Amps 1
Notes: The KW selections above are shown for convenience. A full selection of KW ratings from 1 to 1600 KW is available by entering the
desired KW into the model number. For alternate voltages including 415, 575 and 600 volt, please consult factory.
Note: Each branch
circuit is rated at
a maximum of 48
Amps and each
circuit is typically
operated as an
temperature step.
150 x 1000
÷ 1.73 = 180 Total Amp Draw
180 ÷ 48 Amps max circuit rating = 3.75
Round up the number of circuits to 4
Example: 150 KW at 480V 3F
Marine Products Division