HSS Fidelity SS041 Carbon Monoxide Alarm User Manual

Gas Detector
Gas Detector
Operating & Safety Guide SS041
Operating & Safety Guide SS041
Continuously monitoring the
atmosphere for dangerous levels of
Oxygen, Methane, Hydrogen Sulphide
and Carbon Monoxide, this gas
detector features both audible and
visual alarms.
Code 34078
©HSS Hire Service Group Ltd 2007 No. SS041/01
Group Office: 25 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4TS
Web Site: http://www.hss.com
…any comments?
If you have any suggestions to
enable us to improve the information
within this guide please e-mail your
comments or write to the Safety
Guide Manager at the address below
e-mail: safety@hss.com
... have you been trained
The law requires that personnel entering Confined Spaces
using gas detectors must be competent and qualified to do so.
Gas Detector and Confined Space training available at HSS
Training Solutions.
00884455 776666 77779999
Portable Four Gas Detector is supplied with rechargeable
battery. To charge the battery, ensure that the basestation is
connected to a suitable power
source. Place the instrument in
the basestation. The basestation
employs a locking system to
ensure that the gas detector is
retained under most operating
conditions. To ensure this
operates correctly, ensure that
the gas detector is
orientated such that the
instrument lip will be inserted
under the locking lip and
rear locking catch.
Whilst charging, the instrument will
flash two red LEDs every 10
seconds. When charging is
complete it will light the green LEDs
constantly. A fully discharged
battery will typically require 7 hours
to recharge.
To remove the Gas Detector press
down on the rear locking catch.
TToo ttuurrnn tthhee iinnssttrruummeenntt ooffff,,
press and hold the (red)
button for three seconds, until it switches off.
Make sure all components are present.
GGiivvee tthhee uunniitt aa
tthhoorroouugghh cclleeaann bbeeffoorree rreeppllaacciinngg iitt wwiitthh tthhee cchhaarrggeerr aanndd
lliinnee iinn iittss ccaarrrryy--ccaassee,,
ready for return to your local branch
of HSS Hire.
NNeevveerr ppuusshh tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt bbeeyyoonndd iittss ddeessiiggnn lliimmiittss..
IIff iitt iiss uunnssuuiittaabbllee f
foorr tthhee ttaasskk yyoouu aarree ppeerrffoorrmmiinngg DDOO NNOOTT
Contact your local HSS Hire for
Handle the equipment with care. Avoid dropping,
knocking or otherwise exposing it to damage.
IIff tthhee uunniitt iiss eexxppoosseedd ttoo ppootteennttiiaall ccoonnttaammiinnaannttss ssuucchh aass
ssiilliiccoonnee,, lleeaaddeedd ppeettrrooll,, hhaallooggeennss,, aannttiimmoonnyy oorr ooxxyyggeenn
lleevveellss aabboovvee 2211%%,, rreettuurrnn iitt ttoo yyoouurr llooccaall bbrraanncchh ooff HHSSSS
HHiirree ffoorr rree--ccaalliibbrraattiioonn..
KKeeeepp tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt cclleeaann.. YYoouu wwiillll ffiinndd tthhiiss lleessss ooff aa
cchhoorree iiff yyoouu cclleeaann uupp rreegguullaarrllyy,,
rather than wait until the
end of the hire period. Only use a cloth dampened with
water to clean the instrument.
WWhheenn nnoott iinn uussee,, ssttoorree tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt iinn iittss ccaarrrryyccaassee,,
ssoommeewwhheerree cclleeaann,, ddrryy
and safe from thieves.
Rear Locking Catch
Locking Lip
DDoo nnoott cchhaarrggee tthhee bbaatttteerryy
ppaacckk iinn aa hhaazzaarrddoouuss aarreeaa
Any alarm will cause the backlight to be switched on
LLaattcchhiinngg AAllaarrmmss ((ddeeffaauulltt))
In the latched condition, once an alarm occurs, both
audible and visual alarms continue to operate even after
atmospheric hazard has cleared. Pressing any of the
instrument buttons will clear an alarm. Any subsequent
alarm will reactivate the audible and visual alarms.
NNoonn--llaattcchhiinngg AAllaarrmmss
In this mode, should a gas alarm occur, the instrument
would enter an alarm condition. When the reading
returns to normal levels, the audible and visual alarms
will stop.
VViibbrraattiinngg AAllaarrmm
Any alarm condition that activates the audible and visual
alarms will also activate the built-in vibrating alarm.
RReesseettttiinngg aann AAllaarrmm
If an alarm condition occurs, it is possible to cancel the
alarm by pressing any of the buttons, once the gas
measurements have returned to a safe level. Otherwise,
the instrument will remain in the alarm condition, but
the audible alarm will be muted. Any subsequent alarms
that occur 1 second after the previous alarm has been
reset will reactivate the audible alarm.
FFaauulltt && WWaarrnniinngg CCoonnddiittiioonnss
In addition to the gas alarms, the gas detector includes a
number of auxiliary alarms to safeguard proper use of
the instrument. At switch on, the gas detector performs
an electronic self-test that assures the user of proper
performance. When the gas detector detects that an
electric fault or failure condition has occurred, the
audible and visual alarms are activated and an
explanatory message will be displayed.
AAss tthhee ggaass ddeetteeccttoorr iiss ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo pprrootteecctt ffrroomm
ppootteennttiiaallllyy lliiffee--tthhrreeaatteenniinngg aattmmoosspphheerriicc ccoon
nddiittiioonnss,, aannyy
aallaarrmm ccoonnddiittiioonnss mmuusstt bbee ttaakkeenn sseerriioouussllyy..
Ensure the DC power supply
adaptor is connected to the ‘IN’
socket on the underside of the
The instrument displays a warning
message for situations where a fault or
error has occurred but may be resolved
by the user.
See the
WWaarrnniinngg CCooddeess
in the table
NNuummbbeerr MMeessssaaggee AAccttiioonn oorr RReeaassoonn
8 Replace batteries Battery unchargeable. Replace the
battery pack..
9 Cartridge expired Contact HSS Hire.
10 Cartridge expires in nn
Contact HSS Hire.
11 Calibration due Calibration is due soon.
Recalibrate or fit new cartridge.
14 Battery low Recharge the battery or fit new
battery pack.
19 Passed install by date Cartridge has exceeded its
storage life. Fitting cartridge will
reduce lifetime of cartridge.
20 See manual Cartridge not being activated.
Contact HSS Hire.
24 Please recharge or
replace batteries
Insufficient battery voltage to
operate the Enforcer. Recharge
battery or replace the battery
25 Calibration required Recalibrate or fit new cartridge.
26 See manual Operating temperature
specification exceeded. Operate
instrument within its specification.
31 Event log nearly full.
Clear log to reset
20% or less remaining. When full
the instrument will start
overwriting the old data. Contact
HSS Hire if the downloaded log is
32 Gas log nearly full.
Clear log to reset
20% or less remaining. When full
the instrument will start
overwriting the old data.
Warning Codes
NNuummbbeerr MMeessssaaggee AAccttiioonn oorr RReeaassoonn
12 Check batteries Mixed battery types, i.e. one dry
cell, one rechargeable. Fit two of
the same type.
13 Battery empty. Check
Battery too low to operate
instrument. Recharge battery or fit
new battery.
23 Switch on/off to reset Caused by an unexpected switch
off, e.g. poor or intermittent
battery contacts. Switch off
instrument and switch on again.
51 Calibration required Cell is producing an excessive
negative reading. Recalibrate
53 Calibration required Flammable sensor has been
exposed to more than 100ppm
S. Recalibrate
54 Low O
- flam inaccurate Insufficient for Flammable sensor
to operate accurately. Recalibrate
or fit new cartridge.
104 Switch on/off to reset Oxygen cell fault. Recalibrate or fit
new cartridge.
105 Switch on/off to reset Flammable cell fault. Possible
Flammable fuse broken.
Recalibrate or fit new cartridge.
106 Switch on/off to reset Toxic 1 cell fault.. Recalibrate or fit
new cartridge.
107 Switch on/off to reset Toxic 1 cell fault.. Recalibrate or fit
new cartridge.
Fault Codes
RReeppeeaattaabbiilliittyy RReessppoonnssee
ttiimmee TT
Methane 0 to 100% LEL ± 3% LEL <15s
Oxygen 0 to 25%v/v ± 0.3%v/v 15s
Carbon monoxide 0 to 500 ppm ± 12.5 ppm 25s
Hydrogen sulphide 0 to 50 ppm ± 2.5 ppm 25s
Visual alarm 4 Hi-intensity red LEDs.
2 Hi-intensity green LEDs for confidence signal.
Audible alarm 85dBA at 1m (90dBA at 1ft)
Display Large backlit graphical liquid crystal display
IP Rating Instrument IP67 (NEMA 4X), cartridge IP54 (NEMA 4)
C to 55
EMC approvals EN50270
Battery NiMH rechargeable, operating life > 10 hours
Charge Time = 7 Hours
Dry cell disposable, operating life > 17 hours