HM506 maximum remote hose length is 10 ft.
HM509 and HM512 maximum is 20 ft.
For best performance, mount the humidifier as
close as possible to the remote nozzle location.
Horizontal installation must have upward pitch of
at least 2 in. per ft.
Remote hose must be supported to prevent sags.
Where there are long, straight runs, 1-1/2 in. x
2-1/4 in. perforated metal angle is recommended
to provide continuous support under the hose.
Other rigid materials, such as 2x4 lumber, may also
be used to continuously support the hose.
Never support the hose by attaching it to PVC
pipe or other materials that may sag over time,
or materials that cannot support the weight of
the hose.
Where it is not possible to provide continuous
support, anchor the hose every 12 inches by
securing it to a rigid support using the support
hooks provided.
Use the provided insulated hose to sustain output
Never make sharp bends in the steam hose, as
this will cause kinks. Pay particular attention when
routing the steam hose around rafters or joists and
avoid sharp bends and kinks in these areas.
Attach the remote humidifier nozzle so it directs
the hose upward. Do not attempt to route the hose
through the hole in the mounting bracket.
Down sloping remote hose must have a drain with
a wetted trap installed at the lowest point. Use a
Tee that is rated for continuous use for steam.
Do not use a plastic Tee and do not use more than
one downward slope.
ALWAYS inspect the hose installation after the
humidifier has been operating for at least one hour
to confirm that there are no sags or leaks. Note
that the hose gets softer after it heats up so sags
may develop after the initial installation.
Install drain line according to the instructions on
the next page.
Install a drip pan with a wet switch under the
humidifier when installed in finished spaces.
Honeywell International Inc.
1985 Douglas Drive North
Golden Valley, MN 55422
Automation and Control Solutions
® U.S. Registered Trademark.
© 2009 Honeywell International Inc.
69-2317—01 M.S. 04-09
Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée
35 Dynamic Drive
Toronto, Ontario M1V 4Z9
Printed in U.S.A. on recycled
paper containing at least 10%
post-consumer paper fibers.
Upslope Remote
Living Area Remote Options
Garage Remote
Downslope Remote
InstallatIon InstructIons
Remote Mount Kit
Remote hose has a downward slope. You must use a 212°F rated Tee and P-trap.
Do not use a plastic Tee.
TrueSTEAM is using an auxiliary drain. You must install a wetted drain trap or
condensate pump rated at 212°F. Pump must have total minimum capacity of
1 gallon per minute water flow for the vertical rise of the installation.
TrueSTEAM is installed in a living space. You must install a drip pan with overflow
wet switch under the TrueSTEAM. Wire switch to TrueSTEAM according to the
wiring diagram in this document.
Insulated hose (10 or 20 ft)
Remote duct nozzle
Remote humidifier nozzle
Foam gasket for remote nozzle
Support hooks (7 or 14)
Hose clamps (2)
Drywall anchors (4)
TrueSTEAM screws, 1-1/4 in. (4)
Support hook screws, 3/4 in. (7 or 14)
Avoid sharp kinks
and bends.
6 in. of straight
vertical rise.
If hose slopes downhill…
•HM506 maximum
remote hose length
is 10 ft.
•HM509 and HM512
maximum remote
hose length is 20 ft.
On straight runs, use
perforated angle iron.
Otherwise, support
hose every 12 in. using
provided hooks.
Minimum upward
pitch of 2 in. per ft.
Nozzle at
upward pitch.
Hose clamps at
every connection.
Minimum 6 in.
Downward slope can not be more than 3 ft
below humidifier steam outlet.
Minimum 2 in.
Minimum upward pitch
of 2 in. per ft.
Hose clamps at
every connection.
Avoid sharp kinks
and bends.
Nozzle at
upward pitch.
Always consult plumbing
codes for drain pipe size
and maximum temperature
Water in elbow.
Provide a 212°F rated Tee at the lowest point.
Do not use plastic Tee.
Sharp hose bends. Horizontal run does not have minimum pitch of 2 in. per ft.
Sharp hose bends. Hose not continuously supported at least every 12 in., resulting in hose sag.
Sharp hose bends. Does not have at least 6 in. vertical rise immediately out of humidifier, and
nozzle is not pitched up.
Horizontal run does not have minimum pitch of 2 in. per ft. Sharp hose bends. Downward pitch
does not have trap at its lowest point.