190-01007-A1 System Maintenance Manual GTN 6XX/7XX Part 23 AML STC
Rev. 7 Page 6-4
6.1.1 Display of Self-Test Data
Following normal power-up, the database pages are displayed, followed by the Instrument Panel Self-Test
page. Touch Continue to display the Instrument Panel Self-Test page. During this time, the electrical
outputs are activated and set to the values listed below. Touch Continue to acknowledge the Instrument
Panel Self-Test page. This is not a required check, although this page can be useful for troubleshooting
installation problems.
Table 6-1. Self-Test Values
Parameter Self-Test Value
Course Deviation Half-scale left deviation, TO indication, flag pulled
Glideslope/Vert. Deviation Half-scale up deviation, flag pulled
Annunciators All On
Selected Course (OBS)
The GTN displays the OBS value (149.5° if interfaced to an HSI with
driven course pointer).
Desired Track 149.5° (Displayed as 150°)
Items below are not displayed on the Instrument Panel Self-Test page
Distance to Go 10.0 nautical miles
Time to Go 4 minutes
Bearing to Waypoint (RMI) 135°
Active Waypoint “GARMN”
Groundspeed 150 knots
Present Position N 39°04.05’, W 94°53.86’
Waypoint Alert Active
Phase of Flight En Route
Message Alert Active
Leg/OBS Mode Leg Mode
GPS Integrity Invalid
Roll Steering (if applicable)
Flight Director commands 0° bank (level flight) for 5 seconds; com-
mands increasing right bank at 1°/second for 5 seconds; commands
5° right bank for 5 seconds; commands decreasing right bank at 1°/
second for 5 seconds, until command is 0° bank again. This cycle
repeats continuously.