pump will pump water into the bucket. When the flow of water stops, you can turn off
the portable air conditioner. Remove the drain hose and reinstall the drain cap. The unit
will now be almost completely drained. If you were draining the unit to allow it to
continue cooling or dehumidifying, simply turn the unit back on to the settings you
Wat er dr ai n hose
suppl i ed wi t h uni t
Ho w t o
t he hose
The end of t he hose
shoul d cover t he i nner
por t and i nsi de t he
scr ew connect or .
Wat er Box
Addi t i onal Dr ai n Hose
Upper Dr ai n Por t
Usi ng t he wat er dr ai n hose
supplied with unit, which is
about si x f eet s l ong.