Carrier NP034-074 Air Conditioner User Manual

Our packaged service training programs provide an excellent way to increase your knowledge of the
equipment discussed in this manual. Product programs cover:
Unit Familiarization Maintenance
Installation Overview Operating Sequence
A large selection of product, theory, and skills programs is available. All programs include a video
cassette and/or slides and a companion booklet. Use these for self teaching or to conduct full training
For a free Service Training Material Catalog (STM), call 1-800-962-9212. Ordering instructions are
included (U.S.A. and Canada only).
Copyright 1996 Carrier Corporation
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 1 1
Tab 1a 1b
PC 111 Catalog No. 564-818 Printed in U.S.A. Form 48/50D,N-9SI Pg 70 3-96 Replaces: 48DJ,DK-3SI;
48/50NB,NP-1SI; 50DJ,DK-9SI