Your YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™ is a precision instrument designed to provide many years of
enjoyment. This booklet will help you achieve optimum performance by explaining its
adjustments and features as well as how to care for this precise laser rangefinding
instrument. To ensure optimal performance and longevity, please read these instructions
before using your YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™.
Your Bushnell YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™ is the world’s most advanced and only 100%
waterproof laser rangefinder that floats if dropped in water! Utilizing the latest in digital
technology, the Yardage Pro Legend instantly measures distances from 10-930 yards with
incredible +/- one-yard accuracy. Range to a deer as far as 450 yards out, to a tree at
800 yards away for a reference point, and 930 yards to a very reflective object such as a
building. Features a 6x-magnification PermaFocus
monocular sighting system, incredible
resolution, and SCAN and ZIP modes. The Legend is even smart enough to automatically
distance through inclement weather. The unique shape and palm size was designed with
the serious hunter in mind allowing one to easily grip the rangefinder with a single hand
and drop it into a pocket when not in use. Includes carrying case, neck/hand-strap, and a
3-volt lithium battery.
The rugged and weather resistant YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™ features popular "Scan" and
">150" modes and includes a carrying case. Scan mode provides continuous distance
measurements as multiple targets in the field of view are scanned. The ">150" mode only
captures distance measurements of objects greater than 150 yards away, enabling distance
measurement through foreground clutter like brush and branches.
The YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™ emits invisible, eyesafe, infrared energy pulses. Sophisticated
digital technology and a high-speed clock are used to instantaneously calculate distances, by
measuring the time it takes for each pulse to travel from the rangefinder, to the target, and back.
The ranging accuracy of the YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™ is plus or minus one yard / meter under
most circumstances. The maximum range of the instrument depends on the reflectivity of the
target. The maximum distance for most objects is 800 yards / 732 meters while for highly
reflective objects the maximum is 930 yards / 850 meters. Note: You will get both longer and
shorter maximum distances depending on the reflective properties of the particular target and
the environmental conditions at the time the object is being distanced to.
The color, surface finish, size and shape of the target all affect reflectivity and range. The
brighter the color, the longer the range. Red is highly reflective, for example, and allows longer
ranges than the color black, which is the least reflective color. A shiny finish provides more
range than a dull one. A small target is more difficult to range than a larger target. The angle
to the target also has an effect. Shooting to a target at a 90-degree angle (where the target
surface is perpendicular to the flight path of the emitted energy pulses) provides good range
while a steep angle on the other hand, provides limited ranging. In addition, lighting conditions
(e.g. the amount of sunlight) will affect the ranging capabilities of the unit. The less light (e.g.
overcast skies) the farther the unit’s maximum range will be. Conversely, very sunny days will
decrease the unit’s maximum range.
While looking through the monocular, depress the power button once to
activate the in-view liquid crystal display (LCD). Aim the YARDAGE PRO
LEGEND™ at a target at least 10 yards away, depress and hold the
power button down until range reading is displayed. Release the
power button. Your YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™ features a 6x
monocular optical system for viewing your target.
Note: Once activated, the YARDAGE PRO LEGEND’s LCD will
remain active and display the last distance measurement for 6
seconds. You can depress the power button again at any time to
distance to a new target. As with any laser device, it is not
recommended to directly view the emissions for long periods of time
with magnified lenses.
Designed with the serious hunter in mind, the Legend is 100 % waterproof and even floats if
dropped in water.
The YARDAGE PRO LEGEND’s sophisticated digital technology allows you to select between
various units of measure and targeting modes. In addition, your YARDAGE PRO Legend’s LCD
incorporates illuminated indicators that advise you when the laser is active and when the
battery charge is low. A summary of these features is presented below:
The YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™ can be used to measure distances in yards or meters. The unit
of measure indicators are located in the upper right portion of the LCD. To select between
yards and meters, look through the monocular, depress the "mode" button (left side of the unit
underneath the BUSHNELL YARDAGE PRO logo) and hold it down for approximately 2 seconds.
If you are changing from yards to meters, a change in unit of measure will be indicated by the
illumination of the letter M for METER indicator while the YD for YARD indicator is turned off.
If you are changing from meters to yards, the opposite will occur. Note: The YARDAGE PRO
LEGEND™ will return to the last setting used, each time the unit is turned on.
The YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™ incorporates exclusive targeting modes that allow you to
adjust the performance parameters of the unit to suit your specific situation and environment.
The different targeting modes available are listed below:
Standard (LCD Indicator - none) This setting allows most targets to be distanced up to 800
yards. Used for moderately reflective targets that are typical of most distancing situations.
The minimum distance in the standard mode is 10 yards.
SCAN (LCD Indicator - "SCAN")When the Power button is held down longer than 3 seconds,
the unit transitions to SCAN mode. This mode allows the range to be continuously updated as
long as the Power button remains depressed. The word "SCAN" will blink and appear in the
left side of the LCD once this mode is activated.
>150 (LCD Indicator - ">150") This mode can be used to ignore energy pulses reflecting off
objects less than 150 - 165 yards / meters away. It would typically be used when distancing
through brush to an object further than 150 yards / meters away. Note: In this mode, the
system will not measure to targets less than 150 yards / meters.
To select >150 Mode, while looking through the monocular, depress and release the mode
button. Note: The YARDAGE PRO LEGEND™ will return to the last setting used, each time the
unit is turned-on.
Low Battery Charge (LCD Indicator - ) When both dashes inside the battery symbol are
displayed, the battery is fully charged. When the dashes start to fade away, it means the
battery charge is getting low and the 3-volt lithium battery should be replaced.
(Continued on page 2) 1
Mode Button
Power Button
Lit. # 91-0330/03-02