Cancels: OM TSTAT-1 OM TSTAT-51
IMPORTANT: Read entire instructions before programming
the thermostat.
Bryant’s 7-day, commercial, programmable thermostats are
wall-mounted, low-voltage thermostats which maintain
room temperature by controlling the operation of an HVAC
(heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. Separate
heating and cooling set points and auto-changeover capabil-
ity allow occupied and unoccupied programming schedules
for energy savings.
All thermostats allow up to 4 time and temperature settings
to be programmed per 24-hr period. Each thermostat stores
programs for 7 independent days. Batteries are not required.
During power interruption the internal memory stores pro-
grams for an unlimited time.
The thermostat display is located in the top center of the
thermostat. See Fig. 1. The following information can be dis-
played on the screen:
• mode (OFF, EHEAT, COOL, AUTO, or HEAT)
• fan setting (ON or AUTO)
•hold status
• room temperature
• desired temperature
• clean filter status
• time of day
• day of the week
• schedule period (OC1, UN1, OC2, or UN2)
• outdoor temperature (optional)
The thermostat has programming buttons which are used to
change the set points of the thermostat, set the modes, and
program schedules. The programming buttons are accessible
from underneath the thermostat cover. To access the pro-
gramming buttons, pull on the hinged thermostat cover. See
Fig. 2. The programming buttons are: Copy Previous Day,
Program, Mode, Change Day, End, Fan, Set Time/Temp,
Occupied, and Hold.
The Up and Down buttons are used to change the current,
desired temperature set point and to scroll through program-
ming set points. The Up and Down buttons are accessible
from the outside of the thermostat.
The daily schedule can be overridden in 3 ways: pressing the
Hold button, pressing the Up and Down buttons to change
the temperature set point, or pressing the Occupied button.
A. Programming Button Lockout
The thermostat has a lockout feature which will not
acknowledge programming buttons until the lockout code is
entered. After the lockout code has been entered, the keypad
will remain unlocked until the user has stopped pressing
buttons for 2 minutes. The lockout feature is configured by
the installer.
NOTE: The lockout code sequence is Mode, Copy Previous
Day, Set Time/Temp, and Hold.
NOTE: The Occupied button is not disabled by the Lockout
B. Hold Button Operation
Pressing the Hold button disables the time and temperature
schedule and holds the current desired temperature set
point. When a Hold is active, the HOLD annunciator is dis-
played on the thermostat screen. To release the Hold, press
the Hold button a second time. The Hold will remain active
indefinitely and the desired temperature will not change
according to the program time or the derived temperature
values. The desired temperature can be changed using the
Up and Down buttons.
C. Fan Button Operation
The Fan button selects fan operation. When the fan is set to
ON, the fan will run continuously. When the fan is set to
AUTO, the fan will run during heating and cooling operation
If the fan is set to ON, but the Allow Continuous Fan During
Unoccupied Hours configuration is set to OF, the fan will not
run during unoccupied hours when heating or cooling is not
active. A small triangle will be displayed next to the Fan On
icon to show the user that the fan is not running because of
the unoccupied time period.
D. Mode Button Operation
The Mode button selects the operating mode of the thermo-
stat. If OFF is selected, the thermostat will not enter Heat-
ing or Cooling mode. If HEAT is selected, the thermostat will
only enter Heating mode (if the room temperature is below
the heating set point). If COOL is selected, the thermostat
will only enter Cooling mode (if the room temperature is
above the cooling set point). If AUTO is selected, the thermo-
stat will enter Heating or Cooling mode based on the room
temperature and the heating and cooling set points. Units
also have an EHEAT selection which is configured by the
installer. If EHEAT is selected, the unit will use the second
stage of heating to provide heating, if necessary. The annun-
ciator for each selection will be displayed on the thermostat
when selected.
user’s information