Fire Extinguishing Spray in every room
or every apartment complex is inexpensive
protection from damage caused by fires.
Cooking Oil Fires
TUNDRA™ Fire Extinguishing Spray is unique in that it is able to
extinguish cooking oil fires. The liquid contents create a barrier or
“blanket” that rapidly extinguishes the fire.
Common Household Fires
TUNDRA™ Fire Extinguishing Spray is able to extinguish common
fires such as fabrics, paper, and wood.
Fires Involving Electrical Equipment
TUNDRA™ Fire Extinguishing Spray is effective to use on fires involving
electrical equipment of 110/220 volts (e.g. a fire started by a toaster).
Independent testing has shown the spray pattern is not electrically
conductive at 35,000 volts, even from 10 inches.
A fire or fire damage can DEVASTATE
your property and put lives at risk.
What is it?
• A fire extinguishing spray that is more effective than a
traditional fire extinguisher on most common fires.
What makes it unique?
• Easy to use can and spray nozzle design is intuitive to use.
• 4X Greater discharge time vs. traditional fire extinguishers
allows more time to fight the fire.
• Faster suppression of fires may help reduce loss of life and
property damage for multi-family facility managers and owners.
• Easy clean-up, biodegradable. Won’t damage stove and counter
surfaces like a traditional ABC fire extinguisher. Reduces
maintenance and cleanup costs.
• Augments 2.5lb fire extinguisher compliance unit required in
some areas for multi-family dwellings.
• No Hazmat Shipping Fee
Tundra is effective on:
Currently unavailable in California
1- 800-323-9005 • Firstalert.com