MONARCH®, 9825®, 9855®, and 9860 are trademarks of Paxar Americas, Inc.
Paxar® is a trademark of Paxar Corporation.
Avery Dennison® is a trademark of Avery Dennison Corp.
Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation
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©2006 Paxar Americas, Inc. a subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corp.
All rights reserved.
TC9855XMLQR Rev. AD 11/07
This Quick Reference lists the XML-enabled tags that the Monarch®
9825®, 9855® or 9860™ printers can interpret.
Your printer has one of the following options:
♦ Oracle® WMS (Warehouse Management) print jobs
♦ SAP NetWeaver® Auto-ID (RFID) Infrastructure (AII-DC-RFID)
The following table lists the software versions that support the
XML options.
XML Options 9825 9855 9860
Oracle® WMS (Warehouse Management) print jobs 2.8 5.0 5.0
SAP NetWeaver® Auto-ID (RFID) 2.8 5.3 5.3
About This Quick Reference
This Quick Reference contains
♦ information that applies to both XML-enabled options, including
“Defining the Format Header,” “Using Option 21 (Define Extended
Field Names),” and “Error Messages.”
♦ specific information for each option. See the following sections as
necessary based on your printer.
♦ a sample label format.
Note: This Quick Reference does not contain information about
installing or setting up the printer for use on a network running
Oracle® software or the SAP NetWeaver® platform.
Information in this document supercedes information in previous versions.
Check our Web site (www.paxar.com) for the latest documentation and
release information.