LEED Energy Efficiency
About LEED
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating
is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation
of high-performance energy-efficient buildings. LEED provides building owners and
operators with the tools they need to have an immediate and measurable impact on the
energy efficiency of their buildings. The U.S. Green Building council oversees and
manages the LEED program.
There are no “LEED-certified” products. However, A. O. Smith water heaters—because of their
energy-efficient technologies—can contribute to LEED certification of new residential
construction projects.
LEED has separate rating systems for new commercial construction, commercial interiors,
commercial core and shell, existing commercial buildings and new residential
home construction.
For each rating system, LEED issues credits or points in six categories:
■ Sustainable Sites
■ Water Efficiency
■ Energy and Atmosphere
■ Materials and Resources
■ Indoor Environmental Quality
■ Innovation and Design
LEED certification provides independent, third-party verification that a building project meets
the highest energy-efficient building and performance measures.
A. O. Smith’s Energy-Efficient Water Heaters
for Environmentally Friendly Installations
Created November 2008
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LEED Categories for Rating Points
Consult your local LEED professional for additional information.
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