TableTop lecTern - Use separately or set on Media Cart Base S260 to make a full-size lectern; S805A 50-watt multimedia
stereo amplifier, one 6-in. x 8-in. oval, Jensen designed speaker; S2030A professional cardioid dynamic handheld mic with
15-ft. cord. RTA. 24-in.H x 14-in.W x 20-in.D, Specify Medium Oak or Walnut.
WIreleSS TableTop lecTern - As above with SW805A amplifier with built-in wireless receiver
PLUS your Choice of Wireless Mic with Transmitter - Choose either Lapel/Headset or Handheld
MedIa carT baSe - For use with S250 Tabletop Lectern and S272 EZ Speak Folding Lectern for a full size lectern or use
separately as an AV cart; 4 easy-rolling casters; 2 lock. RTA, 21-in.H x 33-in.W x 17-in.D, Specify Medium Oak or Walnut.
non SoUnd TableTop lecTern - You can use this tabletop lectern with base/AV cart combo separately or together. This
lectern includes a generous paper stop and the cart includes a storage shelf and 4 casters (2 locking). Lectern: 14-in. H x
24-in. W x 20-in. D, Specify Medium Oak or Walnut.
Model # Shp. Wt MSRP
S250 49 lbs. 761.00
SW250 51 lbs. 1,164.00
S260 56 lbs. 239.00
W250 42 lbs. 159.00
Modular Tabletop Lectern, Media Cart Base
The Ultimate in Portability and Functionality
Quick Look:
Wired or Wireless
Audience Size: 1,000
Room Size: 10,000 sq. ft.
SPL 101 dB
UL & CE Listing
Made in USA
6 Year Warranty
Jensen Speakers
Cardioid Dynamic Wired Mic
High Pressure Laminate
Scratch Resistant
Medium Oak
or Walnut.
W250 Non Sound Tabletop
S260 Media Cart Base
S250/S260 Full Lectern
Limited 6 Year Warranty Made in the U.S.A.
3995 Commercial Ave., Northbrook, IL 60062
250/260/272 Updated 9/10/08
PHONE: (800) 267-5486
FAX: (800) 267-5489
S260 Media Cart Base
InTernaTIonal ac adapTer/recharger - 110/240 volt, 50/60Hz. 15-volt center positive, 2 amps, 7.5-ft cord. For
S805A/SW805A amplifiers only.
dc adapTer - Plugs into cigarette lighter, 12-volt; 6 ft cord. Battery clip cables - For S805A/SW805A amps only.
nIcad baTTery pack - Heavy duty rechargeable; for S805A/SW805A amps - requires S1460 AC Adapter/Recharger.
S1460 2 lbs. 125.00
S1462 2 lbs. 49.00
S1465 4 lbs. 190.00